(Before filling up the Bihar B.Ed. Common Entrance Test (CET)-2020 form, please read the instructions
2. (As a first time user, applicants have to create the user account by clicking on the “Registration for
New User Account” link. It will open the “Create User” Page.)
3. (Under the “Create User” page, all fields are mandatory to be filled in which are
indicated by an asterisk (*) adjacent to the name of the field.)
(Applicant shall enter his/her name exactly as mentioned in Xth Board Certificate)
5. (Applicants who do not have a valid email-id must create an email-id before
creating new account. The applicant must also ensure that the email-id and password is kept handy and safely
for all the future correspondence/reference.)
6. (For confirmation an OTP will be sent to your mobile number. Fill that OTP to
confirm creation of the new user account.)
(Before proceeding further, keep scanned copy of your passport size Photograph, Thumb Impression of Left
Hand and Signature ready. Size of scanned Photograph, Thumb Impression of Left Hand & Signature should
be 20 kb to 50 kb. Signature should be made only with black ink ball pen.)
8. (Upload the Photograph, Thumb Impression and Signature, when required, and proceed to fill the Form.)
(After completing the “Create User” Page, click “Sign Up” button given at the bottom of the Page.)
10. (After successful Login system will generate the unique User name and Password. Login
with the given credential and change the password for future usage.)
Helpline Number for Submission of
Online Form 9431040712
Helpline E-mail ID for Submission of
Online Form 9431040713
B.Ed. Information Cell 9431041694 & 9431041695
E-mail ID
State Nodal Officer Prof. Ajeet Kumar Singh
(Starting date 25-12-2020)
आवश्यक सूचना
प्रिय अभ्यर्थी ,
CET-B.Ed.-2020 की परीक्षा में सफलता के लिए बधाई। आपका नामांकन उपरोक्त महाविद्यालय/संस्थान में 2 वर्षीय बी0 एड0 पाठ्यक्रम में नामांकन के लिए अनुशंसित है। आप निम्नलिखित प्रमाण पत्रों/अभिलेखों की स्व-अभिप्रमाणित फोटो काॅपी (एक सेट) एवं मिलान के लिए मूल प्रति के साथ निर्धारित तिथि, समय एवं स्थान पर अनिवार्य रूप से उपस्थित हों
- Online Counselling Fee receipt
- College Allotment-cum-Part Fee payment receipt
- Admit Card of CET-B.Ed.-2020 Examination.
- Class X Marksheet & Certificate.
- Class XII (Intermidiate) Marksheet & Certificate.
- Graduation Marksheet & Certificate.
- Post Graduation Marksheet & Certificate (If applicable)
- CLC/DLC/TC (to be submitted in Original)
- Domicial Certficate (If applicable)
- Caste Certificate issued by SDO (Only for reseve categeory candidates)
- EWS Certificate (If applicable)
- PWD Certificate (For Divyanga Candidates)
- Any other quota Certificate (If applicable)
- Recent passport size coloured photograph -4
आपको सलाह दी जाती है कि काउंसिलिंग में आने से पूर्व आश्वस्त हो लें कि उपरोक्त प्रमाणपत्र/अभिलेंख आपके साथ हैं, अन्यथा आपकी उम्मीदवारी पर विचार नहीं किया जाएगा। सभी वर्णित कागजातों/अभिलेखों के साथ निर्धारित स्थान, तिथि एवं समय पर यदि आप उपस्थित नहीं होते हैं तो आपका नामांकन का दावा स्वतः ही निरस्त हो जाएगा।
- Notification
- >
- Notification
अल्पसंख्यक बी.एड. महाविद्यालयों (आरक्षित) में नामांकन के लिये 1.12.2020 तक login कर college choice भरें।
एतद द्वारा संबंधित अभ्यर्थियों एवं राज्य के बी० एड० महाविद्यालयों को सूचित किया जाता है कि ऐसे अभ्यर्थी जिनके दस्तावेज सत्यापन के बाद “Admit” स्लिप निकल गए थे, लेकिन किसी कारणवश संबंधित महाविद्यालय में नामांकन नहीं ले सके हैं, वे दिनांक 07.12.2020 तक संबंधित महाविद्यालय में नामांकन ले सकेंगें I
- List Of B.Ed. College Under Universities of Bihar
- Aryabhatt Gyan University, Patna
- Bhupendra Narayan Mandal University, Madhepur
- Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur
- Jai Prakash University, Chapra
- Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University, Darbhanga
- Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga
- Magadh University, Bodhgaya
- Maulana Majhar-ul-Haq Arabic and Persian University, Patna
- Munger University, Munger
- Patna University, Patna
- Patliputra University, Patna
- Purnea University, Purnea
- Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur
- Veer Kunwar Singh University, Aara
Counciling Date 07-10-2020
1. Registration of Qualified Candidates :
a. Login with existing login credential in registered website.
b. Verify the result, rank and other details.
c. Choose University for admission from the listed Universities.
d. Then after from the selected University list, choose B.Ed. Colleges for
admission. (You can choose all Colleges from the selected Universities).
e. After successful selection assign the preference.
f. Verify the list of selected colleges and their respective preference in preview.
g. Pay the counselling Registration fee online (UR: Rs. 1,000,
BC/EBC/Women/Divyang: Rs. 750, SC/ST: Rs. 500)
h. Once the payment will be successful take the printout and keep it for future
2. Automated Seat Allotment Process :
Allotment of College and Payment of Partial Admission Fees (as per schedule)
a. Login with existing login credential in registered website.
b. Confirm the allotted seat and College.
c. If you want to be considered in next counselling then choose option of
Consider for next counselling.
d. Pay the Partial Admission fee of amounting Rs. 3,000/- (Same for all category
e. After successful payment candidate will take the printout of “Provisional Seat
Allotment Letter”
3. Physical verification of required documents at participating university
(Affiliating University of your allotted College)
a. Candidates will visit at participating university for which he/she has been the
b. Participating university will verify the required documents.
c. Once the documents will be verified then candidate has to confirm the allotted
seat and college.
d. Once the allotted seat and College will be confirmed then “Generate Admission
Slip” option will be activated at respective college login for the completion of
e. Once the College will generate the admission slip, the candidate will be marked
as admitted in the system.
f. Candidate has to pay the remaining amount of admission fee at the allotted
college for completion of admission process.
g. If candidate is not satisfied with the allotted seat & college then he/she can
select the option of “Upgrade” at participating university and depending on the
availability of seat he/she will be considered in the subsequent rounds of
B.Ed.-2020 Syllabus
(Before filling up the Bihar B.Ed. Common Entrance Test (CET)-2020 form, please read the instructions
2. (As a first time user, applicants have to create the user account by clicking on the “Registration for
New User Account” link. It will open the “Create User” Page.)
3. (Under the “Create User” page, all fields are mandatory to be filled in which are
indicated by an asterisk (*) adjacent to the name of the field.)
(Applicant shall enter his/her name exactly as mentioned in Xth Board Certificate)
5. (Applicants who do not have a valid email-id must create an email-id before
creating new account. The applicant must also ensure that the email-id and password is kept handy and safely
for all the future correspondence/reference.)
6. (For confirmation an OTP will be sent to your mobile number. Fill that OTP to
confirm creation of the new user account.)
(Before proceeding further, keep scanned copy of your passport size Photograph, Thumb Impression of Left
Hand and Signature ready. Size of scanned Photograph, Thumb Impression of Left Hand & Signature should
be 20 kb to 50 kb. Signature should be made only with black ink ball pen.)
8. (Upload the Photograph, Thumb Impression and Signature, when required, and proceed to fill the Form.)
(After completing the “Create User” Page, click “Sign Up” button given at the bottom of the Page.)
10. (After successful Login system will generate the unique User name and Password. Login
with the given credential and change the password for future usage.)
Helpline Number for Submission of
Online Form 9431040712
Helpline E-mail ID for Submission of
Online Form 9431040713
B.Ed. Information Cell 9431041694 & 9431041695
E-mail ID
State Nodal Officer Prof. Ajeet Kumar Singh